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California 2023-2024 State Budget: SB 143


Military Spouse Employment and Economic Opportunities (Federal Portability) (Private)
Passed 09/13/2023


SB 143 (All professions except teaching and law): Section 1 of the 2023-2024 budget bill amended California Business and Professions Code to require specified boards, bureaus, and commissions and the Department of Real Estate to issue a similar license, in the same scope and practice as earned in another jurisdiction, to a servicemember or military spouse who relocated to the State on military orders. SB 114 (Teachers): Pursuant to Education Code §44343.4, the Commission may issue a valid credential that allows the holder to provide services in a California public school while they or their spouse or domestic partner is stationed in California for active military duty. Education Code §44343.4 also provides for the surviving spouse or domestic partner of military personnel who died during active service within the last 12 months to apply for a credential or permit. Website:


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