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Provisions related to Mi. Affrs: SB 120


Ask the Question Campaign, Purple Star School Program
Passed 07/14/2021


This act requires that every state agency shall ensure that any form used to collect data from individuals that was first created or subsequently modified on or after August 28, 2021, include the following questions: (1) Have you ever served on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States and separated from such service under conditions other than dishonorable? (2) If answering Question 1 in the affirmative, would you like to receive information and assistance regarding the agency's veteran services? Every state agency shall prepare information regarding applicable services and benefits that are available to veterans and provide such information to those who answer the questions in the affirmative. PURPLE STAR CAMPUS (SECTION 160.710) The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall designate a school district as a purple star campus if the school district applies and qualifies for the designation. To qualify as a purple star campus, a school district shall: (1) Designate a staff member as a military liaison to serve as the point of contact between the school district and the military connected student, as defined in the act; (2) Identify military connected students enrolled in the school district; (3) Determine appropriate services available to military connected students; (4) Coordinate programs relevant to military connected students; (5) Maintain on the school district website an easily accessible webpage that includes resources for military connected students, including information regarding relocation, enrollment, registration, and transferring records to the school district, academic planning, counseling, and the military liaison; (6) Establish and maintain a transition program led by students, when appropriate, that assists military connected students in transitioning into the school district; (7) Offer professional development and education for staff members on issues related to military connected students; and (8) Offer at least one of the following: A resolution showing support for military connected students, recognition of military holidays with relevant events, or a partnership with a local military installation that provides opportunities for active duty military members to volunteer with the school district, speak at an assembly, or host a field trip.


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